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Westmoreland County Tax Collection Committee  (WCTCC) Website

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Establishing a schedule of reasonable costs of collection in connection

with the collection of Delinquent Earned Income and Net Profits Taxes


EIT Collection under Act 32 and the Role of the Tax Collection Committee


Public Notice

The Westmoreland County Tax Collection Committee (WCTCC) will hold a special public meeting for all delegations at the J. Roy Houston Conservation Center located at 218 Donohoe Road, Greensburg, PA 15601 at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday July 7, 2022.  The purpose of this meeting is to select a Tax Collector for a five-year term for the collections of the Earned Income Tax for Westmoreland County with response to the RFP and contract terms to be approved by the WCTCC Operating Committee and Solicitor.


Scott C. Sistek, Chairman

WCTCC Operating Board


Meeting Agendas


- Thursday, July 7, 2022  

The Westmoreland County Tax Collection Committee (TCC) invites sealed bids for Earned Income Tax Collection Services for the calendar years 2023 through and including 2027.


Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked ”TCC RFP”.


All bids must be delivered to Diane P. Heming, Vice-Chairman of the Westmoreland County Tax Collection Committee, at 4100 Sardis Road, Murrysville, PA 15668 by 4 PM. Friday, March 25, 2022. Electronic copies of the RFP are located using the links below:



In 2004, the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) undertook a study which resulted in Act 32 of 2008. Act 32 reduced the 560 Earned Income Tax (EIT) collection entities across Pennsylvania to 69 Tax Collection Districts (TCD). Most TCDs, such as Westmoreland County’s TCD, are contained within county boundaries.  However, School Districts that overlap county boundaries are included in the TCD where the majority of its population lives.

The Westmoreland County TCD is governed by a Tax Collection Committee (TCC). Each School District and Municipality within the TCD that levies an EIT either has or should immediately appoint a voting delegate and each that does not levy an EIT are permitted to appoint a non-voting delegate. TCC delegates vote on committee actions and are subject to the Right to Know Law, the Sunshine Act and the Ethics Act. The annual budget of the TCC will be paid by the member taxing jurisdictions, prorated according to their shares of EIT revenue.

The most important task of the TCC is the appointment of the tax collector which must occur by September 15, 2010. The TCC is also responsible for the oversight of the tax collector, including setting the tax collector’s bond and arranging for the tax collector to be audited at least once annually. The audits will be provided to every political subdivision within the TCD. If the TCC fails to appoint a tax collector by September 15, 2010, one will be appointed by the Westmoreland County Court of Common Pleas. After the tax collector is appointed, the School Districts/Municipalities within the TCC must decide if their current tax collector will collect their EIT or whether the new TCD tax collector will collect it in 2011. This option applies only to 2011 EIT and must be made by November 1, 2010. EIT collection by the TCD tax collector begins and is mandatory for all School Districts/Municipalities on January 1, 2012.


The Operating Board consists of a group of 10 TCC delegates of which 5 represent the School Districts and 5 represent other taxing authorities. The Operating Board has the authority to act on behalf of the TCC on all matters except those defined as Major Decisions.